6pm Wednesday Evening Moderate Conditioning Hike
** Requirements-FLASHLIGHT .Bring 1-2 liters of water with electrolytes AND shoes with good hiking tread. The trail can be rough and slippery on hills, especially in the dry season. Social Distancing guidelines will be followed.
Join us for a 5.0-6.5 mile hike, occaisionally less or more. The hike is a good for cardio conditioning that incorporates some hill work. Our average pace is 18.5-20 minute miles, including the hills. This hike is one of our club's weekly conditioning hikes that we do to help members get in condition for the beautiful away hikes that we take.
**Dogs are allowed if they are well behaved and interact well with other animals and people. Leashes and water are required for your pet. Do not bring your pet out if it is over 90 degrees.
SSHC and SSCH Covid-19 Hiking Safety Rules
By signing up for any hike, you are agreeing to comply with the rules below and you acknowledge you are responsible for your own safety, and will hold harmless SSHC and SSCH, its members, and organizers from any incident or event that may happen.
1 If you are sick in any way, please stay home.
2 Must bring a face covering to meet up at the trail head and to use on trail when it is not possible to avoid close proximity to other hikers.
3 Cover your coughs and sneezes.
4 Be respectful and mindful of others who may not want to be approached, touched, or within 6 feet of others.
5 Maintain a trekking pole distance apart (at least six feet)
6 Bring hand sanitizer/disinfectant wipes on every hike
7 Group sizes will be limited to 10 hikers. So, please cancel your RSVP asap if you will not attend a hike you are signed up for.
Due to the limited number of hiking spots, and the need for each person to read and understand the safety rules, no guests will be allowed, so please have your guest sign up to become a member of the club.
*** WAIVER OF LIABILITY *** The Organizers and members in this group are not professional enough trip. Each person who shows up for a trip/meetup (and their guest or guests) is responsible for his or her own safety. By attending a hike, or any other event organized by this group, you are acknowledging that you and any guests that you bring are aware of the risks, dangers and hazards associated with the activity and freely accept and fully assume all such risks, dangers and hazards, and further agree to release and discharge the Organizers, Members of the Kern Southern Sierra Hiking Club Meetup Group from and against any and all liability arising from your participation in the group activities.
Every week on Wednesday
6pm Wednesday Evening Moderate Conditioning Hike