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What we’re about

Welcome to our community dedicated to the art of slow, conscious living. In a world that often moves too fast, we’re here to create a sanctuary where you can reconnect with yourself, your surroundings, and others through intentional practices and mindful events. Slow down to Rise up; this is our motto. Our group is about cultivating presence, reducing stress, and fostering a deep sense of well-being.

All of our activities are designed to help you:

Calm your mind and body
Enhance your connection with the present moment
Deepen your self-awareness and inner peace
Nourish your soul with gentle, yet transformative practices
SLOW MOVEMENT | Various Locations

Our slow movement sessions are designed to help you tune into the rhythm of your body and breath. Through gentle, mindful exercises and practices such as slow flow yoga, walking meditations, and guided breathwork, we create space for you to slow down, reconnect with your inner self, and move with intention.

These sessions are suitable for all levels and bodies, offering a peaceful environment where you can explore the power of movement at your own pace.

MINDFUL MORNINGS | Local Parks and Natural Spaces

Start your day with calm and clarity by joining our mindful morning meet-ups. We gather in serene outdoor settings to engage in practices like mindful walking, sunrise meditations, and grounding exercises that set a peaceful tone for the day ahead.

These mornings are an invitation to step away from the rush and embrace the beauty of the present moment, surrounded by nature and like-minded individuals.

CONSCIOUS GATHERINGS | Unique Venues Across the City

Our conscious gatherings are carefully curated events that blend mindfulness, creativity, and connection. From tea ceremonies to sound baths, and from guided journaling sessions to group reflections, these events offer a chance to slow down, savor the moment, and connect deeply with yourself and others.

Each gathering is an opportunity to engage in meaningful practices that enrich your life and support your journey toward a more intentional and mindful way of living.

Join Us

Whether you’re looking to reduce stress, find balance, or simply slow down in a fast-paced world, our meet-up group offers a welcoming space for you to explore and cultivate conscious living. Come as you are, and let’s embark on this journey of mindfulness and intentionality together.

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