What we’re about
Board Games in Barcelona - LGBT+ Community - Straight Friendly
Som un grup creat per uns amics que compartien la passió pels jocs de taula i que buscaven un espai segur dins la comunitat LGBT+.
Tothom és benvingut! Una oportunitat única de conèixer gent i gaudir dels jocs de taula.
No cal cap coneixement previ. Els nostres membres més antics estaran encantats d'ensenyar-te.
Ens trobem els diumenges al centre cívic de Sant Martí.
Esdeveniment gratüit.
Somos un grupo creado por amigos que compartían la pasión por los juegos de mesa y que buscaban un espacio seguro dentro de la comunidad LGBT+.
Todo el mundo es bienvenido. Una oportunidad única de conocer gente y disfrutar de los juegos de mesa.
No hace falta conocimiento previo. Nuestros miembros más antiguos están más que encantados de enseñarte.
Nos encontramos cada domingo en el centro cívico de Sant Martí.
Evento Gratuito.
We are a group created by friends who shared a passion for board games and who were looking for a safe environment within the LGBT + community.
Everyone is welcome. A unique opportunity to meet friends and enjoy board games.
No prior knowledge is required. Our senior members are more than happy to teach you.
It is important, though, to have some basic knowledge of Spanish or Catalan. Not all of the members speak English, and most of our games are in Spanish, so it can be a bit frustrating if, on this day, there are not enough people that can speak with you, even though we will always try to do our best.
If you prefer, there is the Kleff group, here in Meet-up. They have a lot of expats, so they usually play in English. They meet on Wednesdays.
We meet every Sunday at the Sant Martí Civic Center.
Free Admission.