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Karuna Master Reiki Certification Training (Ferndale)

Photo of Tanja Sofia Krupa
Hosted By
Tanja Sofia K.
Karuna Master Reiki Certification Training (Ferndale)


Space will be intimate and limited to preserve the integrity of the experience and to allow lots of one-to-one time, questions, and small group practice. This is a holistic and extensive long weekend training for those who want to deepen their personal practice, enhance energies, build a business, volunteer in hospitals or with at-risk organizations, teach Reiki, attune their children, pets, or partners, etc.

Karuna Master Holy Fire Reiki III certification training is both a student class and a practitioner class. You will receive attunement (placements) for the Eight Karuna Symbols. For example, the Karuna I symbols include:

  • Symbol 1/Prepares clients for deep healing and clears past life issues, releasing karma and issues that reside deeply on the cellular level.
  • Symbol 2/ Unseats deeply held negative patterns that reside unconsciously and keep us from Truth, healing the Shadow Self.
  • Symbol 3/Restores Divine Love and balance.
  • Symbol 4/Grounds clients and self after receiving other vibrations/symbols.

Karuna II symbols carry an even higher vibration, building deeper connection to higher self and restoration of mind, body, and spirit.
You will also learn how to teach the Karuna class.

You must have taken Reiki Master Training (of any lineage) at least six months prior to this class. You will receive a class manual, descriptions of symbols, and registered certificate.

There will be herbal teas and snacks provided. There is amazing takeout/dine-in nearby. Class manuals will be shipped or delivered locally once you are registered.

Register at

Class fee is non-refundable; however, you may use it toward a credit for a future class. $700/student - $350 deposit.

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