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Holy Fire Reiki 2 Certification Training (Ferndale)

Photo of Tanja Sofia Krupa
Hosted By
Tanja Sofia K.
Holy Fire Reiki 2 Certification Training (Ferndale)


Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki 2 will deepen your Reiki healing abilities and experiences, moving into time and space with distant healing, DNA work, and restoring ancestral patterns. This level 2 training is taught using the comprehensive International Center for Reiki curriculum, a fusion of Western and Japanese styles, plus topics in plant medicine fusion + crystal work, and includes:

Holy Fire® Healing Meditation
Reiki 2 Symbols and Uses
Quantum Healing Research + Techniques
Reiki 2 Attunement
Complete Reiki Practice Sessions
Distance Reiki Training and Practice Sessions
Restoring DNA & Ancestral Energies
Balancing and Healing Chakras
Clearing Rooms and Spaces
Using Crystals during Sessions
Ethics Overview and Client Session Forms
Reiki 2 Certificate
192-page International Center for Reiki Training Reiki Manual (if you did not receive when taking Reiki 1)

Space is limited.

*Prerequisite: In-person Reiki 1 training of any lineage from any instructor or Holy Fire Reiki 1 online by an ICRT trained instructor. Reiki 1 can also be taken/retaken the month before this class. This is also a beautiful upshift for those who have taken Reiki 2 and would like to experience Holy Fire or continue to Holy Fire Master training.

Refreshing your Reiki 1 or 2 training will upshift and move the Holy Fire® energies more deeply into your energy body and practice.

$200/person for each level or $350/person for Reiki 1 and 2.

Class fee is non-refundable; however, you may use it toward a credit for a future class. Students who have already taken Reiki 1 or 2 with me may refresh those classes for $75/session.


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