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Annual Psychic Investigation

Photo of Beehive Skeptics Foundation
Hosted By
Beehive Skeptics Foundation .
Annual Psychic Investigation


It's time for our annual psychic investigation! In this investigation we are going to get a psychic reading, then track the individual predictions for accuracy.
Last Year the psychics did not do so good, you can view our tracker here:

But as always, more data is better! So we are going again this year.
I have already booked a reading for "a group of friends" for the readings event here:

You will be expected to pitch in for the reading:

Prices are $10 for 3 cards, $20 for 5, $25 for 7, $30 for 9, and $40 for 11, with each reading including a rune and crystal pull as well.
Afterwards we will all go to dinner together and talk about it.

The rules are:

#1: Be respectful.
#2: the reading must be recorded so we are not relying on memory.
#3: Be honest all but one control question. (lie about one detail of your life such as a dog you do not have, a surgery coming up, or some other detail)
#4: Update the tracker. Once you RSVP I will grant you edit access to the Psychic Tracker:

You will be expected to break down all the different predictions in your reading, then update them throughout the year if the predictions come true.
Last year we had a great time with it, and our work here will help provide evidence for or against the validity of psychics in Utah.

Photo of Beehive Skeptics group
Beehive Skeptics
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Dancing Cranes Imports
673 E. Simpson Ave. (2240 S.) · Salt Lake City, UT
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10 spots left