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Gentle Yoga - Allara

Photo of Léa Fritsch
Hosted By
Léa F.
Gentle Yoga - Allara


Gentle Somatic Yoga will meet every Saturday morning.
Gentle Somatic Yoga® incorporates slow, mindful movements that unwind long held, stress-based patterns and/or injuries. Therapeutic and corrective exercises called Somatic Movement Flows® erase chronic muscle pain and significantly increase flexibility though self-correction. In Gentle Somatic Yoga® we do not intend to stretch muscles in order to achieve results. Instead, we go to the root cause of all muscular pain, which is found in the brain, and reprogram habitual patterns of stress held deep within the body (Soma). Most of the Somatic Movement Flows® are performed on the floor with a yoga mat and a blanket or beach towel which is used as support for your head and as a covering if you feel chilled.

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Befriend Social Network Perth
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Every week on Saturday

Allara Share Place
38 Revolution Ave, 38 Revolution Ave · Eglinton
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