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Mechi (Mehchi) Cycling (ALL levels Welcome)

Photo of Marty Cho
Hosted By
Marty C.


  1. This ride is ideally around SF neighborhoods that are accessible to cycling. Will Try to avoid the HILLS!!
  2. Wheels off at promptly 11.30AM.
  3. Please show up on time for a prompt start to the event.
  4. Bring at least 1 bottle of water
  5. There will ideally be a lead rider and a Trailing rider (Volunteer needed)
  6. Maximum riding distance is 10 miles.
  7. We will make a stop approximately every 2-3 miles.
  8. We will finish the ride were we start or people can just peel off as we come to a close of the ride.
  9. Based on the mood of the group, we can grab a warm or cold brew after.
  10. Please note that by RSVPing to this event, you consent to the rules and regulations of the group. You consent to respect all traffic laws and that by participating in this group, you understand that the risk of injury and possible dead is possible and the organizer and or Meetup as a platform will not be held Liable.
Photo of Beginner 2 Intermediate Cyclist group
Beginner 2 Intermediate Cyclist
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Every week on Wednesday until April 13, 2025

Flywheel Coffee Roasters
672 Stanyan Street · San Francisco, CA
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10 spots left