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What we’re about

The INFJ personality type is defined by the Myers Briggs assessment test.
“INFJ” stands for introverted, intuitive, feeling, judging.
The INFJ is creative, empathetic, compassionate, perfectionistic, insightful, altruistic, and sensitive.

Portrait of an INFJ — The Protector
"INFJ, the compassionate mystic and guardian of profound insights. In the symphony of souls, you orchestrate the delicate harmonies of empathy and understanding, walking the path of wisdom with a heart attuned to the nuances of the human experience."

This group is designed to provide a safe space for INFJ's of all cultural backgrounds and ages, who need a sense of belonging and understanding. We will meet to engage in conversations and dive into the nuances of life, discussing everything from our dreams to our most profound beliefs.

You may take a shortened version of the personality test here:

**We welcome other compatible personality types: ENTP, INTJ & ENFP, ETC**