What we’re about
Welcome! Our group is dedicated to providing resources for people who are vegan or interested in becoming vegan.
While you need not be vegan or vegetarian to join this group, please be sincerely interested in learning more about going vegan.
If you are interested in a mentor to assist you on your journey, check out the Vegan Mentor Program HERE.
Also, check out "Living a Whole Food, Plant-Based Life". Scroll to the bottom and sign up for a free 7 day KICKSTART!
Thank you for your interest in our Meetup! We look forward to seeing you soon.
- The Vegetarian Society of Richmond + RVA Vegan volunteers
Please note that many of our potluck events are sponsored by the Vegetarian Society of Richmond(VSR). VSR was founded in 1995 by Lois Angeletti, years before being vegan was as cool + as common as it is today! Please note that most of the VSR potlucks do require a $3 fee to cover the cost of the venue while also supporting the Society's expenses including activities and outreach such as the Richmond VegFest, the Health Expo, + the Pet Expo.
Interested in going veg? Check these links out for a bit of inspiration!
Dairy: the real story
Chicken in Reverse
"I just don't want them to be chopped up!"
Peaceable Kingdom
Food Choices
Food, Inc.
Forks Over Knives
Fast Food Nation
Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead
One Green Planet
This "counter" quickly shows you the scope of the violence/death.
Finally, this one shows how much good you can do.