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Seasonal Safety Guidelines for Runners


Hi Runners & Walkers! Yes, yes, yes! We will run rain or shine, and yes, even in snow!

No matter what time of year, if you plan to run MORE than 6-8 miles you should bring along some water and an energy source such as Clif shot blocks or GU, etc. Wear some sunscreen in all daylight running even if it's overcast. For warmer days of spring/summer bring along some water and don't over dress, capris or shorts and short sleeved shirts are perfect for this time of year.

Please wear white, yellow or some reflective clothing and a HEADLAMP for September through March runs that will be during dark hours. You will want to have a hat and gloves for colder days and maybe keep a long sleeve shirt or second shirt layer in your car. You MUST always have runner's rain jacket in your car from Sept-May and year round for that matter...always handy!

Listen to your body, if your knee or shin or anything hurts for more than a few days or a week, you need to STOP running for a whole week to let it heal. Also check into buying new shoes if you feel sluggish on the run, as your shoes may have just expired and lost their bounce...also fixes some minor knee or shin problems when you have good shoes. DO NOT increase your mileage more than 10% per WILL get shin and knee problems. Take it slow, ramp up over time...

Any other questions about running safety and or clothing to have on hand, just call, text, or email me and ask anytime. Wendita 425-269-9108.

Shopping List... Headlamp, halogens best, $10-30. Hat $10-20 for waterproof. Gloves $10-20, get thin ones that you can tuck away if it warms up. Yaktrax are great on snow $20. Rain layer, the most important layer and it should have zip pockets, best to spend $60-150 on this item!

Best for runner specific: Super Jock 'N Jill at Greenlake, Everyday Athlete in Kirkland, Shoes 'N Feet in Bellevue.

Good stuff here too: REI for hiking/running crossover gear.

Penny Pinchers: This is the cheap route, but it does get you started, yet most of their stuff is NOT waterproof and won't have the pockets you need: Target, Fred Meyer, and the Extra Super cheap way to get some good used stuff: Goodwill, Value Village

Photo of Bellevue Running Elements group
Bellevue Running Elements
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