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Bring New Energy Into Your Practice

Photo of Quantum Health
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Quantum H.
Bring New Energy Into Your Practice


This event is for Medical and Therapeutic Professionals seeking additional patient-centered solutions.

Learn the benefits of Molecular Activation Therapy; a cutting-edge technology.

Join us for an Exclusive Demonstration and Complimentary HRV Testing and PEMA Treatments.

RESULTS: PEMA therapy helps patients feel better faster by boosting cellular energy, addressing discomfort and fatigue at the source.

RETENTION: Better results mean loyal patients. PEMA therapy keeps them coming back for continued progress.

REFERRALS: Happy patients refer others. Let PEMA therapy grow your practice through word-of-mouth.

REVENUE: Boost your income with cash-based PEMA therapy—no insurance hassles.

RESIDUAL: Expand your income with PEMA, beyond just in-office visits.

Photo of Berkeley Quantum Health Meetup Group group
Berkeley Quantum Health Meetup Group
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Friday, September 20, 2024
12:59 AM
East Bay Osteopathic Medical Center
3099 Telegraph Avenue · Berkeley, CA
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