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Urban Foraging in Hasenheide: Season Change Delicacies

Photo of Simka Senyak (they/them)
Hosted By
Simka Senyak (.
Urban Foraging in Hasenheide: Season Change Delicacies


Dive into early autumn's wild delicacies in Hasenheide as a local guide introduces you to the delicious edible plants and flowers of the season.


  • Distance & duration: 2 km walking, 3.5 hours from start to closing, break times along the way
  • Language: Our community language is English, German plant names can also be provided upon request
  • Difficulty: Easy – walking on marked paths / roads, flat terrain, relaxed pace.
  • Price: Sliding scale 40€ / 30€ / 20€ or pay what you can!
  • Group size: Limited to 15 people (Dandelion bookings not RSVP count)

Come soak in the end of the season on this plant-focused foraging walk, where we will explore the edible abundance of the city. Once the weather starts to cool, the changing season brings us an incredible bounty of fruits, seeds, nuts and roots – all of which are available just around the corner from you. Once you know what to look for, there is wild food everywhere!

Join Simka (they/them), a local foraging guide and nature coach, who will show you how to safely identify and work with a range of common and easy-to-recognize delicious edible and potent healing plants.

In a friendly, informal setting, you'll gain loads of insight into the uses and folklore surrounding each plant – such as wood avens (whose aromatic roots provide an incredible clove flavor perfect for mulling and baking), hops (whose flowers can be used to brew beer and create incredible insomnia cures), hawthorn (whose sweet red fruit can be made into heart-healing syrups), and hazelnut (who doesn't know and love that deep nutty sweetness already?) – all weeds and common plants that grow all over Berlin!

As we meander through the park, we'll pause often to meet and sample these incredible wild pals as well as gather our own harvests in safe and abundant spots, so that you can bring home a collection of delightful wild autumn ingredients.

You'll come away with a completely new perspective on the city's weedy & wild abundance, as well as loads of inspiration for how to incorporate it in the kitchen – plus many tips and tricks for making ferments, syrups, tinctures, teas, salves and much more.


You must register & buy your ticket via Dandelion to secure your spot!

A note on pricing & philosophy from Simka:

I offer my foraging tours on a sliding scale / pay-what-you-can basis, because it's a deep value of mine that this learning – which radically connects us with ourselves, the land, and one another – should be accessible for everyone.

However, I do rely on this income!

That means: if you have the means, pay the full fee, or more.
If you don't have the means, please feel fully invited to pay whatever you can.

And if you want to come, but genuinely cannot afford any extra expense, reach out to me directly for a 100% discount, no questions asked. I have absolutely been there, I see you, and I want you here.

I'm trying to do things differently, because it matters to me. Please join me in the complexity of building a better, more equal world!

Photo of Berlin Foraging with The Wild Path group
Berlin Foraging with The Wild Path
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Volkspark Hasenheide · 10967 Berlin
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