What we’re about
Hey Skiers and Snowboarders!
Love the snow? Then Berlin is going to suck!
But we can make the most of being here. At least there are some decent hills within a day-trips reach, and some of the world's best mountains just an overnight drive away. Moreover, the easyJet-set invasion at least has the side effect of very cheap flights out of Berlin on the weekends.
This group focuses on providing a platform to organize spontaneous, affordable trips to the mountains. No weekend should be wasted. We may also do a few week-long escapes, but if you are looking for all-inclusive packages, the market is already well provided for.
Most of our trips will be self-organized: we choose a mountain, share transportation, and spend time together at our own discretion. We will have the chance to share accommodations, but you are also free to stay separately. All other expenses are paid individually.
Nobody is babysitting anyone: you are entirely responsible for your health insurance and safety.
Our target expenses are in the order of 50EUR per day for daytrips (transportation and lift tickets), and 100EUR average for multi-day trips (transportation, accommodation and lift tickets).
Cheap winter activities in the Berlin area, like ice skating on lakes, cross-country, and tumbling down a rubble hill are welcome as well.
Let's turn that Berlin-winter frown upside down!