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SVADHARMA WORKSHOP: Your Path to a Life of Meaning

Photo of Maha Visnu Gray
Hosted By
Maha Visnu G.
SVADHARMA WORKSHOP: Your Path to a Life of Meaning


What is Svadharma?

Svadharma, or one’s own path, is a fundamental concept in the Bhagavad Gita, uniquely emphasized as both the first and the last teaching of Krishna. This thematic repetition underscores its profound significance. All the teachings of the Gita are metaphorically sandwiched between two identical instructions on Svadharma, highlighting how central it is to living a successful life on spiritual, emotional, and physical levels.

Resilience - Learn how Svadharma equips us with the resilience needed to overcome life's challenges. By adhering to our personal duty, we build the strength to face any adversity.
Optimism - Discover how engaging in our Svadharma fosters a sense of optimism. Approach challenges with a positive mindset and see the light at the end of the tunnel, regardless of hardships.
Sense of Meaning - Gain a profound sense of meaning, mission, and purpose. Understand your place and role in the world and maintain a sense of direction and purpose in life.


Svadharma harmonizes and balances three key aspects of our existence:

  1. Physical Reality: Understand your physical capabilities and limitations.
  2. Subtle Reality: Introspect and understand your psychological and emotional makeup.
  3. Spiritual Reality: Connect with your spiritual essence and inner journey.



Title: Discovering Your Svadharma: A Comprehensive Workship of Self-discovery.
Duration: 8 Hours
Date: Sunday, October 13, 2024
Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Location: Sri Radha Krsna Mandir
Facilitator: Maha Visnu Mahashay

Workshop Objectives

  • To understand the concept of Svadharma as taught in the Bhagavad Gita.
  • To explore the ROSE of Svadharma: Resilience, Optimism, and Sense of Meaning.
  • To investigate and discover your Svadharma through the three aspects of existence: Physical, Subtle, and Spiritual.
  • To learn how to deliberately and intentionally live in harmony with your Svadharma.

Workshop Agenda

9:00 AM – 9:15 AM: Registration and Welcome

  • Registration and Welcome

9:15 AM – 10:00 AM: Understanding Svadharma

  • Introduction to Svadharma in the Bhagavad Gita
  • Svadharma and Moksha
  • Interactive Activity: Sharing personal interpretations of Svadharma

10:00 AM – 11:00 AM: The ROSE of Svadharma

  • Dissecting the three essential benefits of Svadharma (Resilience, Optimism, Sense of Meaning)
  • Discussion: Participants share their insights and reflections

11:00 AM – 11:15 AM: Break

11:15 AM – 12:45 PM: Investigating and Uncovering Your Svadharma

  • Guided Meditation: Exploring physical, subtle, and spiritual aspects of oneself
  • Exercise: Investigating your Physical, Subtle, and Spiritual realities
  • Journaling Exercise: Documenting personal discoveries and insights

12:45 PM – 2:00 PM: Indian Vegetarian Lunch Break (included in registration fee), and Walking Meditation (weather permitting).

2:00 PM – 2:45 PM: Responsibility: The Courage to face The Challenges of Svadharma

  • Lecture: The concept of deliberate choice in living in harmony with your Svadharma
  • Role-Playing Exercise: Scenarios of choosing to act in harmony with Svadharma
  • Exercise: Identifying specific challenges and obstacles in choosing to act in harmony with your Svadharma

2:45 PM – 3:45 PM: The Sadhana of Svadharma.

  • Lecture: Sadhana and Svadharma
  • Exercise: Designing a daily Sadhana routine that empowers you to live in harmony with your Svadharma
  • Sharing Session: Participants present their Sadhana plans and receive input from the group

3:45 PM – 4:00 PM: Break

4:00 PM – 5:00 PM: Creating Your CAP: Creating a Commitment and Action Plan to Live in Harmony with Your Svadharma

  • Exercise: Create a one-year Commitment and Action Plan to live in harmony with your Svadharma,
  • Final Q&A and discussion

Materials Needed

  • Journaling notebook and writing instruments (electronic devices not allowed)

The Reward of Living in Harmony with Svadharma

Join us for a transformative experience and take the first step towards a life of resilience, optimism, and profound meaning. Though challenging, living in harmony with our Svadharma leads to a deeply fulfilling, uplifting, and satisfying life. Free yourself from doubts, anxiety, depression, and aimlessness. Align with your Svadharma and live courageously with a sense of purpose and meaning.

Maha Visnu Mahashay

Photo of Bhakti Yoga with Maha Visnu group
Bhakti Yoga with Maha Visnu
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