What we’re about
Calling all investors! This meetup is dedicated to educating each other on a variety of profitable investments. Our primary background is in Real Estate and we know that is just the tip of the iceberg. We created this meetup so that we can call in experts investors in various fields to share how they grow their wealth.
There are so many ways to create and grow our money.
Real Estate
Notes Lending Stocks IRA - 401k Mutual Funds And Many More
By bringing in people from a variety of backgrounds we can all learn from each other, support each other and explore wealth creation strategies together.
Better Investors Better Investments is an association of real estate investors that focuses on creating an environment that fosters growth within a code of ethics enabling our members to meet their maximum potential in a way that leaves a positive impact on our collective community. Better Investors Better Investments was founded due to the fact that when new investors join the real estate investing space, they typically do not have all the information that they need to succeed. Through streamlined collaboration and communication, we are able to bring together new investors and seasoned investors to learn from one another and build a positive future for the real estate investing space.