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Apache Gluten: Accelerating SparkSQL with Spark on Velox

Photo of Siddharth Agrawal
Hosted By
Siddharth A. and Chaitanya D.


Come hear from its founder Binwei Yang the vision of Apache Gluten. Gluten is an open source project that helps accelerate Spark by tight coupling with native SparkSQL libraries such as Velox. Gluten is a middle layer responsible for offloading JVM-based SQL engines’ execution to native engines. Binwei is the creator of Apache Gluten and will share more about the motivation for the project, some use cases, and future plans.

Big Data Bellevue Meetup was created by Intelius and takes place in downtown Bellevue. Intelius provides the only centralized service for delivering comprehensive information about people, places, organizations, and their connection to each other. Our state-of-the-art big data technology platform is utilized across a wide range of industries to implement specific solutions.

On the third Thursday of each month, we invite an industry leader in Big Data to give a presentation followed by a lively discussion on big data technology and its impact on business world. Past speakers include researchers from the University of Washington, as well as senior members of various companies, such as Microsoft, Amazon, eBay, IBM, MapR and inome.

Microsoft graciously provides free refreshments.

Photo of Big Data Bellevue (BDB) group
Big Data Bellevue (BDB)
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