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Ramsgate Pastry Run

Photo of Ellen Kennedy
Hosted By
Ellen K.
Ramsgate Pastry Run


Leichhardt to Ramsgate and Return
Start - Pioneers Memorial Park Leichhardt (Rotunda)
Norton Street Leichhardt
Time - 8:30am
Distance - approx. 45km
Grade - Medium

Starting at Leichhardt we will head through Sydney University and on to the Wilson Street Cycleway. Following the cycleway we will make our way to Tempe and the Cooks River heading to Ramsgate via the Brighton Le Sans beach path. We will stop at Ramsgate Beach for our coffee stop.
After coffee we will return via the same route to Leichhardt.

We will be mostly on quiet roads or cycle paths so suitable for an easy ride and anyone that can ride up to 45km. No serious hills to contend with. Bail out points at Tempe in both directions.

Ride Leader - Ellen Kennedy 0421 118 629

Photo of Bike Leichhardt group
Bike Leichhardt
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