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What we’re about

We are Bitcoiners and Cryptocurreny enthusiasts discussing, sharing and celebrating in Blockchain, Tangle and digital currencies. Bitcoin is a great way to meet people that are eager to learn more about the new global phenomenon of digital currency. The revolutionary transaction process of Cryptocurrency is altering the way we will interact with each other financially forever. Peer to peer transactions are instantaneous and will inevitable be the catalyst for many new start up business and entrepreneurs of our time.

In 2009, people that are considered early innovators migrated to this form of currency to avoid the pitfalls of the banking system. A short five years later, some are multi -millionaires reaping the rewards of their foresight. As more and more businesses and people adopt Bitcoin as payment, the "early adopter" global acceptance of this form of compensation is still in its infancy.

Our casual meetups are for us to share ideas, information and meet people eager to be a part of this emerging market. We look forward to meeting you!

Best Regards,

Rob Johnson

What is Bitcoin?

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