What we’re about
Welcome to BKK Intellectuals, a community dedicated to pursuing knowledge and understanding in an increasingly complex world.
Starting in 2025, we will meet to explore the most vital ideas and insights that can truly change our lives.
In a time when misinformation abounds, having access to the right information at the right moment is not just valuable—it can be lifesaving.
At BKK Intellectuals, we believe that knowledge is the most precious resource. Our curated reading (and watching) list features only the most significant books ever written, ensuring that every selection is relevant and impactful.
We’ll dive into thought-provoking dystopian novels from the greatest authors, drawing parallels to our current reality, and we will learn to navigate the media landscape, uncovering the techniques of brainwashing used in mass communication.
In addition, we will explore practical health guides that empower us to eat wisely and prevent disease.
Our discussions enhance critical thinking and foster a deeper understanding of the world.
Worried about not having time to read? No problem! I will provide detailed summaries and highlight key points at our events so that you can keep up with the discussions.
You can also choose to sit and listen then take the summaries home to read and digest. So, this book club is also suited to those with busy lives who have no time to read any books!
Join us TODAY to embark on a journey of discovery, dialogue, and personal growth!