What we’re about
The San Francisco Games Group
If you like a large selection of games to play with a variety of people, this is the group for you.
Thursday evenings Lower Pacific Heights on Franklin at Pistachio.
What is SF Games? Established way back in 1995 and going strong since, SF Games is a collective name for a group of people who get together and play board games and card games every week. What we share is our love of games, all kinds. SF Games is friendly--a social club with games, not an "intense" games group. SF Games is free to attend, but please buy something at the cafe. Bring your favorite games to play if you have them. Be prepared to learn a new game. Come early or you might not get into the early games! Don't know how to play? We'll teach you. If you are late, hang out until you see a game end. In most games you're welcome to sit at the edge of the table and watch until the game ends. Be sure to introduce yourself. Since our main group runs 5 hours, you will be able to get into a game if you wait until the next break. Most people can get in 3 games during the evening.
Newly managed as of October, 2024