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Learn to Play SorceryTCG @ Fyendal Hobby

Photo of Dennis Xiao
Hosted By
Dennis X.
Learn to Play SorceryTCG @ Fyendal Hobby


Fyendal Hobby
86 Marine Parade Central #04-305
Singapore 440086

5 minutes away from Marine Parade MRT Station and/or Parkway Parade.
If you need any help to reach the store, your can reach Dennis at 9189 1089.

Google Maps:

Registration fee: Buy a bottled drink or a snack.

What is Sorcerytcg?
Two players take the roles of Avatars, assemble their own decks, and then cast a variety of elemental spells, summon powerful minions, and shape the world around them from their Atlas to increase their dominance and ultimately banish their foe.

We know that players learn how to play in different ways, from watching videos to just throwing cards on the table and working it out as you go. With that in mind, we've prepared some useful tools to help get you on your way. Explore our Good Times Society intro video that covers the gameplay basics and some walk-through games with the Sorcery Development team.

Event will also be cross-posted on different platforms.

This event is made possible with the support of Fyendal Hobby, which specializes on Trading Card Game (TCG) like Flesh & Blood, Grand Archive, SorceryTCG, Altered, Magic The Gathering. Friendly staff, great place to play.

Photo of The Singapore Boardgames Meetup group
The Singapore Boardgames Meetup
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Fyendal Hobby Store
86 Marine Parade Central #04-305 Singapore 440086 · Singapore
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