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What we’re about

Our group is for anyone who is an avid, a once in a while, new, or wanting to get back to reading person. Many of us would like a little bit (or a lot) of "me" time and get absorbed in a good book. Anyone else do the "when I have time" thing? buy a book that isn't read? read such a fantastic (or horrible book for that matter) and have no one to discuss with? Raise your hand! Ok put them all down now.

There's a plethora (a PLETHORA I tell ya) of ways to access books. Take advantage of your local library (yep they're still around I promise; and ahhhh that book smell!. I'm a member of five libraries. Seriously. (Shhh they don't have to know about each other.) Most offer e-books and audios. It's surprising how far along you get with audiobooks while driving, folding laundry, cleaning, walking the dog/or yourself, sitting at the DMV with your #73 ticket as #32 is called, or waiting for your partner/kids/grandma to finish sampling everything at Costco.

Our goal is an approachable, relaxed group all can look forward to. I encourage you to book swap as well! We're discovering new genres together too. Plus come on; we're so cool like that reading together. Alrighty then ... what are you waiting for?! Up your grooviness and read. Oprah and I say so.

A few simple rules:
* Please no sensitive subjects outside our book discussion. We all have our personal beliefs; our book club is not the place. 
* Trash talking, intimidation or sexual harassment will not be not tolerated. PERIOD.

Here's a read on why a book club is for you

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