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What we’re about

We are a group of book lovers who like to meet up, discuss our current book, and drink beer. We rotate in different breweries across Austin with different books every month. Come join us for book discussions and connections in Austin!

Do I need to read the book prior to coming to book club? Yes! Every month we will discuss the chosen book of the month. You are welcome to join if you haven’t finished the book but there will be spoilers.

How do you choose the books? Every couple of months we collect suggestions for upcoming books. We then vote as a group on a Google form link that I will put out. The top 3 books will be our our books for the next 3 book clubs. This gives members time to space out reading books, place holds on books from the public library, or support our favorite indie book stores to buy the books.

How do you choose the brewery? Similar process to the books. Do you have a brewery you want to try? Nominate it for our next months book club!

How does book club run? We typically start gathering around 6:30 to grab tables. Feel free to come a bit early to socialize. Depending on the group size we break into smaller groups and give everyone the chance to introduce themselves and give their rating of the book. We then discuss the book for the next 30-60 minutes in a free form style. No question guides here! Afterwords people hang out, grab more beers, and continue to connect with other book lovers in Austin.

When is book club held? The second Tuesday of every month with some rare exceptions. We also try to do social events in between book club. Interested in hosting a social event? Contact Colleen and she will gladly help you get organized!

How will I find the group at the brewery? Look for the book on the table! We try to announce where we will be sitting once tables have been secured in the group event chat.

Why do you charge dues? Meetup has recently upped its fees for organizers to run events. With this in mind, I have decided to start charging a $6/annual fee to help cover the costs of keeping the group on meetup. All new members will have a 30-day free trial before paying the annual fee.

Don’t be intimidated by the number of RSVPs! We typically get 30-40 people at a book club but the discussion groups will be smaller.