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What we’re about

Hello Baby Boom Era Ladies!

Here we are in a post-pandemic world. You might be feeling a bit disconnected and wanting some new adventures!  Let’s connect with other women and create new memories and experiences!  The entire Bay Area is alive with interesting things to do!  At the end of this intro I will list some ideas for the Meet-Ups to get your creative juices flowing.  Keep in mind that many are still very cautious as the virus is still with us and there might be some Meet-Ups where a mask is a good idea or required.  At other events, it’s your option.    

I set this group up in a way that EVERY MEMBER is an organizer, not just me the founder.  What that means is that every member can do exactly what I can do and plan a Meet-Up and be its host!  It’s so easy to do!  Pick the event and location.  Select the time and date.  Type up an explanation of what it is.  You may set a limit on how many may attend.  People will sign up.  If you put a limit on attendees, people can be put on a wait list.  After you’ve created your event it will be emailed to all members!    It’s truly easy to do this – very few tech skills are required.

Periodically, we may have a ZOOM meeting where we can meet and greet, brainstorm ideas for Meet-Ups, and talk about whatever comes up!

And always – bring your sense of humor!  Bring your sense of adventure and interest in meeting others.  Who knows, you may make a new life-long friend or three!  Do you need to be an outgoing extrovert?  Absolutely, no!  Introvert/shy members are in a safe place.  If you are the more quiet type who likes intimate conversations, limit the number of attendees to your Meet-Up or pick events that suit you.

A few “rules.”

  • If you RSVP to attend a Meet-Up, don’t be a flake. No-shows will be marked as such.  You must be considerate of the time and effort the host and other members have made for this event.
  • Three no-shows will have you removed from the group.
  • We know that emergencies come up.  Please give 24 hours notice for your cancellation, which allows some on the wait list to be added as “going.”
  • Zero tolerance for any form of bigotry or hateful speech.
  • This group is for WOMEN ONLY!  Every now and then a man signs up. Believe me, he will be removed from the group.

Here are some ideas to help you create Meet-Ups:
Meet-ups can be indoors or outdoors
Weekdays or weekends
Gather at a local café
Gather at a local dive-bar
Lunch and a walk
Organize a beach or neighborhood trash clean-up
Listen to music
Nature walks
Plant wildflower seeds
Comedy clubs
Readings at book stores
Tea parties
Cocktail parties
Wine tasting
Chocolate tastings or other foodie tastings
Plan a Meet-Up to celebrate YOU on your birthday
Gather on a holiday with others who might be alone
See how easy that is! I know you’ve got ideas. You’ve got people, places and things which our members/your soon to be new friends will enjoy.

I look forward to meeting you!

Linda Greenberg