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TypeScript: Entering the World of Types

Photo of Cedric
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TypeScript: Entering the World of Types


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TypeScript! Types! Type Systems! The web dev industry seems to love TypeScript, but ... why?

Join Josh Goldberg, author of Learning TypeScript (O'Reilly), in a lovely romp through the foundations of TypeScript. We'll walk through why it exists, how it understands your code, and the useful ways to work with it.

No prior TypeScript experience required - just introductory coding skills and an appreciation for tools that find bugs for you.

This will be an interactive hands-on workshop. We'll work together on the TypeScript playground through a series of exercises that start showing off pure JavaScript and end in describing object shapes to TypeScript. For each, we'll see the bugs or general risky behavior in JavaScript-land, how to describe the intended code in types, and how TypeScript can help us describe our code and avoid those bugs.

Venue Sponsor:
CIC Cambridge

Photo of Boston Code and Coffee group
Boston Code and Coffee
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CIC Cambridge @ 1 Broadway
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