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Game On! at the MIT Museum - Cambridge Science Festival

Photo of Cesar
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Game On! at the MIT Museum - Cambridge Science Festival


Let's check out this event as part of Cambridge Science Week. Please get your free ticket in advance at the following link.

Per the organizer

Meet MIT scientists and engineers whose work has a playful spin: a robot that can beat you at Connect 4, bacteria engineered to play Doom, an oscilloscope hacked to play Guitar Hero, a board game designed for (and tested in) zero gravity, and an analysis of genetic inheritance in games like Tekken and Pokémon.

Challenge TikTok bio-engineers Malik and Miles George (@malikandmiles) to a round of Super Smash Brothers on our giant screen. See if they can keep their focus while answering your scientific questions!

Enjoy a performance by FaMLE, MIT's own laptop orchestra, including a repertoire drawn from historical electronic and computer music, as well as new compositions.

If you're up for even more, try out giant-sized strategy games that you can play together with your friends, or grab a puzzle from our mechanical puzzle station.

Photo of Boston Random Acts of Connection group
Boston Random Acts of Connection
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MIT Museum
314 Main Street Gambrill Center, Building E-28 · Cambridge, MA
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