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What we’re about

My name is Silvia. I have started this group to hangout and explore the city or outskirts of the city to explore outdoor events, concerts, outdoor workouts, movies, exploring the northeast and Boston. This group is for people to socialize and meet new people through the various types of events. Please be respectful to everyone and make the events more social and comfortable for others. Anyone who attend the events and if there are complaints of misdemeanor than you will be removed from the list and will never be able to attend future events.

Note: This is solely to connect after work or hangout or for other fun events. This is a drama free environment and no judgements should made. I do not host events outside of this meetup groups and will be posted through this app only since giving it a safer platform to connect. Any concerns message me on this app. Picture is required to attend.

Upcoming events (3)

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