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[LOCATION CHANGE] Sunday Ultimate @ Russell Field [Countdown 1]

Photo of Kelvin
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[LOCATION CHANGE] Sunday Ultimate @ Russell Field [Countdown 1]


Countdown to 12/15 Sockstactular Holiday Cup:

  • Stay tuned for the upcoming Sockstacular cup with holiday garb, gift exchange, snacks, hot cocoa, and a caffle:
  • You get an entry for RSVP-ing by Sunday 12p EST on 12/15/24 and showing up.
  • Donate via Paypal or Venmo between 11/1/124 and 12/14/24. For every $5 donated, you'll get another entry in the raffle. Plus, if you donate, you do not have to be present to win.
  • The raffle will conclude with a bigger raffle with a choice of SSD drive, dry-fit shirt, light up disc, mini-bluetooth speaker, fitness tracker, and more (number of big raffle items depend on the number of entries submitted).


  1. Fun: Don't get eliminated from our Ultimate Frisbee Fun Royale!
  2. Cancellation: There will be a cancellation (Red light) if there aren't at least 12 RSVPs by 12p (an hour before game time). If there's 12+, then game on (Green light)! Who are we kidding though? Game on!
  3. Media-Sharing: We need to know who to share any photos/videos with.
  4. Raffles: If we happen to have a raffle on special occasions, winners will be chosen from the RSVP list.

Game Plan:

  • 1:00 - Toss the disc around, meet folks, be merry
  • 1:10 - Overview of the rules, safety, etc - then divide into teams
  • 1:15 - Play!!!!!!
  • 3:00 - Conclude the meetup

Here's what we humbly ask of you (works great as a checklist):

  • Dress for the weather
  • Please bring both a white and a dark-colored shirt to play in
  • Bring WATER!


  • BF typically plays an all-inclusive form of ultimate, which has some modifications from typical standard ultimate. Some differences are no-stall counts, no score fun-to-fun, loose boundaries, sidelines have priorities, limit hucks/hammers*, and person to person defense (same skill or effort level, preferred). So take your time throwing the disc and have fun. Now, occasionally, if everyone happens to be very experienced or near the end of gameplay, we may switch to standard to level up our skills.
  • Styles: [A]ll-inclusive, [S]tandard
  • Regardless of style, safe play is priority (e.g., avoid cutting off or picking others' paths), with a fun positive spirit/no barking.

* Just buy us some pizzas if you choose to do this, which definitely includes others.

BF Promo Video:

Donation, BF Surplus / Buy a Light-Up:

  • BF is free and always will be free, but donations are always welcome to pay for Meetup fees (~$357.98/yr, up 54% from last year), bostonfrisbee DNS, first aid, sunscreen, light up discs/batteries, snacks, etc.
  • Donations/Payment:
  • Paypal to [email protected]
  • Venmo to @Send-Kelvin-T

Note: If you have other donations (e.g., new socks, non-expired snacks), we will welcome those too!

Photo of Boston Frisbee group
Boston Frisbee
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Every week on Sunday until December 20, 2024

Russell Field
Rindge Ave · Cambridge, MA
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