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Photo of Stephanie Chen
Hosted By
Stephanie C. and Gary Y.


Hello Everyone!

We are back and excited to host Boston Subtle Asian’s 3rd Field Day Event!!! But this time we are collabing with NAAAP Boston’s Annual Picnic, which will be held at the same time!

PLEASE NOTE: This event costs $5 to participate in the games but you are welcome to spectate and bring blankets/snacks to watch! Please sign up at the link below to participate.

What is the cost to attend?
It will still be $5 for the field day ticket to participate! If you’d like food, please sign up for the separate picnic ticket, which costs $10. Money will be going towards catering and supplies for the games. Food tickets may also be purchased on site.

What will we do?
We will play a series of classic field day games. The winners of each game will earn points for their teams! The games will include fan-favorites like 3-Legged Race, Potato Sack Race, Tug of War, and a Donut-Eating Contest.

What should I bring?
Sunscreen, hats, snacks/drinks for yourself, blankets/chairs, and anything else you might want for a sunny field or picnic day!

What will be provided?
With the $5 field day ticket, color-coordinated sweatbands for each team will be provided as well as a prize for the winning team. Water and drinks will also be provided. For the $10 picnic ticket, catered food will be provided from different Asian restaurants around Boston!

Where and when do we meet?

  • Magazine Beach Park - 668 Memorial Dr, Cambridge, MA 02139
  • 11am on Saturday, September 21st
  • Parking should be available in limited quantities at the park or across the street at Trader Joe’s
  • If you are running late, please message the hosts on the event page chat

How many people are coming?
40 slots are allotted for the field day games, which will be then randomized into 4 teams. First come first serve. You must be officially signed up on the NAAAP Boston website to be confirmed

Looking forward to seeing you! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the event organizers, Gary Yin, Rachel Luk, and Stephanie Chen.

Photo of Boston Subtle Asians group
Boston Subtle Asians
See more events
Magazine Beach Park
Magazine St / Memorial Dr · Cambridge, MA
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location