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Uke In The Afternoon, #261

Photo of Jerry Dallal
Hosted By
Jerry D.


[The 4-th edition of the songbook has arrived !]

Uke In The Afternoon: An afternoon ukulele Meetup, meeting on the 1-st, 3-rd, & 5-th Wednesday of the month.

The jam is for players of traditional (that is, wood) four string soprano, concert, tenor, or baritone ukuleles. (No other instruments. please. They stick out and interfere with my desire to have us all sound like one big instrument.)

After many years, it's time to update the songbook. And that time has come!

The songbook has live links! Clicking on a song title in the Table of Contents takes you to the song sheet. Clicking on "to ToC" in the upper right hand corner of the page returns you to the Table of Contents.

You know the drill, We're seated in a circle. We go around the room with each person in turn choosing a song from the book to lead. Ten minute break half-way through. Play 'till about 2:45. I hope to see you there!

Parking lots behind the Library, across Mass Ave, diagonally across Mass Ave. They ticket! Also, some metered and unmetered on street parking.

Photo of Ukulele Union of Boston group
Ukulele Union of Boston
See more events
Robbins Library
700 Massachusetts Ave · Arlington, MA
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location