What we’re about
Breaking Breadboards is a community for tech enthusiasts of all levels who share a passion for tinkering with hardware and software. Whether you're a seasoned expert or just starting out, there's a place for you here.
We're a diverse group united by our love for all things tech, from Raspberry Pi projects to Arduino creations, from IoT innovations to the mesmerizing world of flashing LEDs.
At Breaking Breadboards Brighton, you'll have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, share your projects, and learn from others. Whether you're interested in diving into the intricacies of MicroContollers, exploring the latest in hardware advancements, or simply looking for inspiration for your next project, you'll find it here.
Join the conversation on our Slack channel: https://join.slack.com/t/silicon-brighton/shared_invite/zt-2cuac8e5g-o6t0r3LbjqwjrK7AmyFCGw
See allUpcoming events (4)
See all- Breaking Breadboards Mar-2025 Show and TellFreedom Works Brighton, Barts House, Brighton
The Breaking Breadboards March Event at Freedom Works in Brighton will be a Show and Tell event. We are looking for four people to do a 15-minute talk on their project. We will also have a show-and-tell table for anyone to display their project, without having to present.
Whether you’re into Raspberry Pi, Arduino, modifying Game Boys, building robots, or any other hardware-based projects, this event is for you. From seasoned professionals to complete beginners, everyone is welcome.
Agenda, still with room for others:
- Custom 9-segment display clock by Matthew Withers
- What We Do & How To Get Involved by Adam Tingley and Stephen Robinson
- Plus more to come with possible a Robot build
The event is hybrid, so while we’d love to see you in person, you can also join us live on YouTube if you can’t make it to Brighton. Link is added closer to the event.
If you have any questions or want to get involved, please reach out.