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Unlock the Secrets of B2C Success

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Unlock the Secrets of B2C Success


Unlock the Secrets of B2C Success: Join Our Exclusive Online Meetup Today!
In the dynamic landscape of Israeli entrepreneurship, start-ups predominantly focus on the lucrative business-to-business (B2B) sector, leading the world in fields such as cybersecurity, medical technology, and software. Success stories are abundant, with acquisitions reaching into the millions and even billions of dollars. But what about the business-to-consumer (B2C) domain?
Though global giants like WAZE and Fiverr have shown the potential for consumer-facing success, many Israeli B2C developers find the path to victory more elusive. Whether creating mobile applications, software, or tangible products, why does reaching the heights of B2B triumph seem so challenging? The American market flaunts a myriad of B2C successes like Facebook, Tinder, UBER, & AirBNB. So what might Israeli entrepreneurs be missing in their quest to conquer the B2C market?
Targo Consulting invites you to delve into this intriguing question with us. Let's explore together the strategies, pitfalls, and critical insights that can transform B2C visions into thriving enterprises.
Event Details:

  • Language: Hebrew
  • Date: Thursday 22/9/24
  • Time: 18:00
  • Platform: Google meet

Space is limited, and the opportunity is invaluable.RSVP and secure your seat in this exclusive gathering of innovators. Let's shape the future of B2C success in Israel together!

Photo of Bridging Gaps Between Startup and Investors group
Bridging Gaps Between Startup and Investors
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