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From Despair to Hope: the past, present and future of HIV with Prof Jaime Vera

Photo of Dave Sang
Hosted By
Dave S. and 3 others
From Despair to Hope: the past, present and future of HIV with Prof Jaime Vera


From Despair to Hope: a journey through the past, present and future of HIV with Prof Jaime Vera of Brighton and Sussex Medical School. Wednesday 11th December at the Wagner Hall, West St; doors and bar open 7:15, talk starts at 8:00pm.

HIV remains a major global health challenge, but significant progress has been made in its management. Thanks to groundbreaking research, HIV has been transformed from a death sentence to a chronic condition that can be effectively controlled with antiretroviral therapy. People living with HIV now have the opportunity for long and healthy lives, while the risk of transmission has significantly reduced. Efforts to prevent new HIV infections have also advanced, with expanded testing and prevention initiatives targeting key populations and vulnerable communities.

Despite these achievements, barriers like limited treatment access, persistent stigma and discrimination hinder many from seeking essential testing, treatment, and support, perpetuating misconceptions about the virus. As the population with HIV ages, a new set of healthcare challenges emerges. With longer life expectancies, new models of care are needed to address distinctive health challenges faced by this ageing population.

Professor Vera will share insights on HIV prevention and management, and discuss actions that might be needed to eliminate HIV while improving the quality of life of those living with HIV.

Jaime Vera is a Professor in HIV Medicine and Head of the Department of Global Health and Infection, Brighton and Sussex Medical School. He is also the clinical lead HIV physician for the combined HIV geriatrics and memory clinics in Brighton. Jaime’s research focusses on the study of comorbidities affecting people with HIV such as cognitive impairment and frailty including the development of innovative models of care aimed at improving quality of life, and mental well-being of older people with HIV in both low and high-income settings.

Admission is free but we ask for donations to help keep our events going.

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Brighton Cafe Scientifique
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Wagner Hall
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