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What we’re about

We're a bunch of people that enjoy with tinkering with their computers in their spare time. We enjoy learning and sharing what we learn.

We'd like to find other people in Brisbane that are also tirelessly improving their home labs. If you've ever wanted to get together to learn from or teach others what you're achieving with inexpensive (or sometimes expensive) computer equipment in your own home, well, me too!

My setup, for example, includes a switch, a NAS, a RHEL server, a ProxMox server, a virtualised six node k3s cluster, security cameras; stuff like that. It's never complete. I'm sure you're doing something that I'd be inspired by and want to learn from you.

We endeavour to get together to introduce ourselves face to face once a month. Typically we are meeting in library meeting rooms, and we try to move that around to make these introductions more conveniet for a wider range of people.