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Gorgeous West Canungra Circuit (15kms) + lunch + maybe drinks @ Canungra pub

Photo of Julia
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Gorgeous West Canungra Circuit (15kms) + lunch + maybe drinks @ Canungra pub


Think about making this a weekend by staying at O'Reillys!

This is an absolutely GORGEOUS walk for those of you can walk for a few hours. So, we'll walk until we find a gorgeous spot, stop to have a snack and enjoy the beauty, then move to the next gorgeous spot, stop and enjoy the beauty, and so on, until we're at the end. We won't be racing through the 15kms.

So, expect to be out in this beautiful area for about 5 hours.

We meet up outside the O'Reilly's Rainforest Retreat Cafe/Gift Shop which is 110kms from Brisbane City - and at the end of Lamington National Park Road. We will depart at 8.30am - prompt - for our walk SO ALLOW PLENTY OF TIME TO REACH THE MEETUP POINT DUE TO WINDING ROADS.

Car pooling will be offered closer to the time. Terrain is up, down, up down so reasonable fitness is required.

We'll follow the creek for most of its length, crossing it several times by rock-hopping across water-worn boulders. (Bring a spare pair of socks!) We're not rock scrambling; just walking over big rocks.

The trail eventually joins up with the Box Forest circuit and nearly 15km later, we’ll be back at the cafe.

This park is part of the Gondwana Rainforests of Australia World Heritage Area, famed for its ongoing geological processes, evolutionary history, and diversity (especially of rare, threatened and endemic species).

NOTE: If it has been raining, this walk might be cancelled.

BRING: at least 1L of water; $3 in coins; snacks; lunch; insect repellant; spare socks

WEAR: sunscreen; hat; long pants (for possible leeches)

PARKING: easy, in the carpark

See you for an amazing day!

Brisbane Walkers is NOT a formal organisation and has no public liability insurance. We are a group of people who get together, taking full personal responsibility at all times. Brisbane Walkers cannot be held responsible for any mishap. By attending an activity, you agree automatically to take full responsibility for yourself.

Photo of Brisbane Walkers group
Brisbane Walkers
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O'Reilly's Rainforest Retreat
3582 Lamington National Park Rd · Canungra
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