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Brisbane Property Networking Group - FIRST TIME ATTENDING IT'S FREE

Photo of Matt Jones
Hosted By
Matt J.
Brisbane Property Networking Group - FIRST TIME ATTENDING IT'S FREE


Join us in September for the Brisbane Property Networking Group meeting!

There is no other networking group like this one, with Queensland's best property minds all in one room to provide the best resources for you to achieve massive results.

Is this your first time attending? Entry is FREE! Just click the red ‘Attend’ button on the bottom right of this page.

Returning member? Click here for discounted entry

Here are 5 awesome reasons you need to join us in the room on the night:
• You'll walk away with real strategies, insights and resources that you can implement immediately.
• Unlike other seminars, you won't be pitched to on the night. That's right, no hidden agendas, no shenanigans and definitely no sell-fests! We pride ourselves on being a genuine property networking group.
• The keywords we hear time and again from attendees are 'genuine' and 'integrity'. These are rare commodities, especially in property and you'll get them by the bucketload at this event.
• Whether you are just starting out, have done a few property deals or a full-time investor... you'll walk away with value. It might be in the quality, content-rich presentations or maybe you'll find your next Joint Venture partner - either way, you'll be glad you came.
• The Real Deals. These are case studies that attendees flock to see each month. We call them Real Deals because they ARE just that. Everyday property investors on their first, second and sometimes third project, having a good honest crack while still holding down a full-time job. It could be a quick renovation, subdivision or a small development. You'll see profit & loss numbers, before and after photos, embarrassing mistakes and above all, lessons learned.

Here's what's in store this month:

I figured the best way to kick off the Spring Selling Season was to get a property market update from someone on the ground at the 'Property Coalface'.

Justin has some EXTREMELY RELEVANT insights on what to expect in the coming months of 2024... and how to position yourself to find those cracker sites.

Watty, as we like to call him, is a GUN veteran agent of over 20yrs in the Brisbane market and always gives you the honest truth without the BS.......... Which is NOT something you generally hear from real estate agents - which is why we love him!


Check out this very profitable high end, inner city reno that Jason found off market in the popular suburb of Auchenflower.

This project saw him lifting and sliding the house and transforming the home from a 2 bed dog box to a 4 bed 2 bath, build underneath and a huge deck!

The results are stunning so if you're into making chunky profits using the renovation strategy, this one is for you!

And last but not least...

Ever bought a property off Facebook? This guy did for just $60k AND it was already renovated!!

Relocating a house is tricky and more expensive than you might think... Plus it's critical to get the timing right to make it work.

The end result was a 6 figure profit for Nathan... not bad for a bit of scrolling through social media :)

Make sure you're in the room to see how this unique project unfolded and set Nathan up for even more success.

First time attending? Entry is FREE! Just click the red ‘Attend’ button on the bottom right of this page.

Returning member? It’s a $25 entry fee if you Click Here, or $33 at the door.

Here's a short video on how to RSVP: Watch Now

What if I want to come to every meeting or access the replay?
Check out our Ultimate Property Hub Membership: Click Here

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to keep up with the latest news!

See you there!


Photo of Brisbane Property Networking Group group
Brisbane Property Networking Group
See more events
Darcy Mitchell Room at Broncos Leagues Club
Fulcher Road Red Hill · Brisbane
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location


120 spots left