What we’re about
The Talmud consists of 1.8 million words spread across 63 volumes. It is based on the oral law, which is said to have been handed down from Moses on Mount Sinai. Whether or not this event occurred, for about ten centuries before the Common Era, judicial decisions were made and transmitted orally. During the first centuries CE, these decisions were recorded and later written about by the rabbis of the time, continuing for the next 600 years.
At City Congregation, we study these laws and verdicts in depth, gaining valuable insights into life in ancient agrarian societies and Jewish history along the way.
We offer up to two classes: no fee, no obligation. Further classes require formal association with The City Congregation.
The City Congregation is a secular Jewish community that celebrates the centrality of human judgment and human power from a uniquely Jewish perspective. As humanists we believe that reason, rather than faith, is the source of truth, and that human intelligence and experience can guide our lives. As Jews we express these beliefs through the culture and practices that have evolved over centuries of Jewish history.