Hello, here's the poster: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bvamu90h0xs7ens59a19q/12-11-Feedback-Loop.jpg?rlkey=sq6cc8lmtrtf5rmbgf4b1n6a6&dl=0
FEEDBACK LOOP is an event where musicians bring works in progress (not already released tracks) to see how they can improve them for eventual release. All experience levels and genres are encouraged to participate.
- We'll play your track on their sound system so you can hear how it sounds outside of your studio with some proper volume.
- You'll be able to ask the group questions about the mix, arrangement, or anything else that's on your mind to see if it's being received as intended.
- Feedback will be provided by others at the event, with an emphasis on constructive and thoughtful analysis.
- The event is also open to those who don't have a track to share and just want to learn! The more the merrier.
- Please submit earlier than later to secure a spot, there are limited spots available! Deadline is December 9th by noon.
- Send an .mp3, .wav, or .aif - please don't send Youtube, Soundcloud, or Spotify links. Email [email protected] to submit your work.