Debate Night: Intentions vs Actions
How often do we find ourselves weighing what we intended to do against what we actually did? When we hurt someone unintentionally, or when we cross boundaries in the name of a greater good, where should we draw the line? Are our intentions enough to justify our actions, or do the outcomes matter more in defining who we are?
This delves into the grey areas of human behaviour. The debate between the value of intentions versus the impact of actions is an age-old question, touching on everything from ethics and relationships to personal values and societal expectations. Join us as we dive deep into this intriguing discussion, challenging our ideas of accountability, empathy, and the true weight of our choices.
Come debate with us!
Provisional schedule:
19:00 introduction to debating
19:15 : Exercise
20h: debate (2 teams of 4 speakers)
Participants who wish to speak are highly encouraged to bring a paper and pen.
You are welcome to participate even if you have no prior debating experience.
Debate Night: Intentions vs Actions