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Wheelmen Wedenesday NO-DROP Ride

Photo of Wheeling Wheelmen
Hosted By
Wheeling W.
Wheelmen Wedenesday NO-DROP Ride


Welcome to our WEDNESDAY morning ride, hosted by Dennis Ellertson.

Starting at 9:00 from Woodland Trails Park, Mount Prospect IL The expectation is for participants to stay together as one group and be able to hold a 14-mph average. To maintain a 14-mph average, the rider needs to ride at 16-mph or higher for extended periods of time.

Below is the detailed info for this ride:

  • Be prepared to show up earlier if you need time to prepare before the ride.
  • ROUTE: We have two possible routes, one to Independence Grove and the other to Fort Sheridan.
    - Both routes are about 40 miles on paved roads. So, a road bike is recommended. Hybrid/gravel/cross bikes are welcome, just be prepared to ride at the speed of your chosen pace group.

    For turn-by-turn directions on your bike computer, become a member of the Wheelmen bike club to access and download the route from our route library. Click here to join our club.

    Current Wheelmen Club members can access the turn-by-turn GPS routes here: Independence Grove or Fort Sheridan.
  • PACE: If there is a big enough group, we may split into multiple groups with different paces. Regardless, each pace group will ride at the pace of the slowest ride in that pace group.
  • REST STOP: Independence Grove or Mobil Gas for the Fort Sheridan route. Toilet facilities and water will be available. It will be about 20 miles into the ride.
  1. Cancellation: It is unlikely that we will cancel this event. At times the Ride Host may choose not to ride. When this occurs, the event becomes a Show-m-Go ride, meaning that at the departure time, each attendee is on their own and, as in every event, makes their own decision to ride or not.
  2. Self-support: We're on our own. Bring what you need for nutrition, hydration, mechanicals, and punctures.
  3. Safety: A helmet is required. Headlight and taillight are recommended.
  4. Release and Waiver of Claims for Personal Injuries and Other Damages - By saying yes to attend this event you are signing a release for yourself, and/or a participant under the age of 18, I understand that the WHEELING WHEELMEN, its officers and members are not insurers of any participant’s personal safety during the above activity. While bicycling is an outstanding recreational sport, it also involves risks. Some of these risks include but are not limited to: traveling on or crossing heavily traveled roads, winding roads, steep descents, potholes, accident, unexpected moves of another rider, physical exertion fatigue, flat tires and motorists. The undersigned acknowledges that the risk inherent in recreational bicycling and the undersigned agrees to assume all risks associated with participation in the WHEELING WHEELMEN activities. I acknowledge that the WHEELING WHEELMEN encourages the wearing of helmets and agree to save and hold the WHEELING WHEELMEN harmless for any injury resulting from my failure to wear a helmet. I freely and voluntarily accept all risks of injury, death, or property damage. The undersigned further agrees to save and hold harmless the WHEELING WHEELMEN, its officers, members, coordinators, employees, volunteers, agents and/or other ride attendees from any and all liability for any injury, illness or damage resulting from, or in any way connected with, participation in the WHEELING WHEELMEN events. I release and waive all claims for negligence against the WHEELING WHEELMEN, its offices and members for all damages incurred at or associated with any WHEELING WHEELMEN activity for myself, my heirs and executors. I hereby agree to operate my bicycle in a manner that is safe to me and those around me, to observe all the rules of the road, and conduct myself in a manner that will be complementary to the sport. I hereby consent to and permit any emergency treatment in the event of injury or illness.
    I have read and understand this waiver. I agree to be legally bound by it.
Photo of Wheeling Wheelmen group
Wheeling Wheelmen
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