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What we’re about

Our group is dedicated to providing a supportive and empowering space for women in the Burlington area who are navigating midlife and seeking personal growth and self empowerment. Through guided discussions, readings/videos, and self reflection and journaling, we aim to help each other discover our inner strength, passion, and purpose as we embrace this transformative stage of life. Join us to connect with like-minded women, gain new insights, and cultivate the confidence to live our best “second act” Let's come together to inspire, uplift, and empower one another on our journey.

Please note: We are a non therapeutic self empowerment group (there are no counselors nor therapists facilitating this group) aimed at learning and growing together. We fundamentally believe that empowered with self awareness, knowledge, and clear intention our second act in life will be as fulfilling, if not more fulfilling, than our first. We also believe that each woman in the group is very wise, and has much to offer others in support of their pursuits. For this reason, we will offer opportunities for self reflection and journaling.