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What we’re about

You are the type of person who intuitively analyzes businesses in your everyday life.
You want to find out how they work.

You can't stop thinking business.
Thinking business feels natural to you.
Thinking business is fun for you?
Talking, reading & learning about business doesn't feel like work to you.

Real life example #1:
You go to a restaurant with friends and you intuitively start to ask yourself:
How much is this restaurant making?
How much capacity do they have?
How much does it cost to hire such a waiter?

Real life example #2:
You hear about this online platform where they make $1M profit by connecting social media creators with companies for marketing:
Who built this?
How did they start?
How did they get their first creators?
Which types of companies hire creators there?

Real life example #3:

Real life example #4:
... That's yours - bring it to the meetup!

You don't just talk, but you actually try & make things.

... are a business nerd with a sense of humor.
... like to nerd out about business (ideas/opportunities).
... come to find like-minded people.
... come to find business partners.
... come to find sparring partners.
... come to get new perspectives on your recent business discovery.

You come to discuss.
You stay only if you take action.

Inspired by MFM Pod: