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What we’re about

Join us at our monthly Potlucks to learn more about the benefits of living a happy and healthy Plant Based Lifestyle.

Building Healthy Communities, A Physicians Committee Action Network Group, located in Carson City, Nv.
Bypass the Cow was created to show how delicious a Plant-Based lifestyle can be. It's not complicated, restrictive, or expensive. It's tasty and doable.

And for many, lifesaving. 

Our mission is to be an effective part of the Whole Food, Plant-Based movement helping the community move towards a more sustainable lifestyle. 

Karen's education and training includes certification in Plant-Based Nutrition from eCornell University, Forks Over Knives, Rouxbe Online Culinary School, Essential Vegan Desserts, and the McDougall Starch Solution.

Eat more plants. Bypass the Cow.