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What we’re about

Calgary s Great Haunted...
Kinda Haunted....
Should be Haunted....
Pub type Tour

As fall approaches...
and summer wanes...
our thoughts naturally turn to Calgary s vast varied and silly collection of haunted...
kinda haunted....
and should be haunted pubs...

Not a believer?

See da photo of that classic ghost pix of the old rose..
(Now the elephant...yes we re going)

There s soooo many...
Ex-Funeral homes: 2
Abandoned Houses: 3
Ex-Banks: 1
Just strange buildings: 5
Just strange/smelly buildings: 1

So what to do...what to do...

Why... take a weekly tour of said pubs and experience them firsthand of course.
Cuz thats what we do!

Maybe eat the food...
try the local brews...
see a ghost in the bathroom...
Have some dessert....

Back in '08 there was a similar haunted pub tour that took willing souls on a bus to 3 pubs all in one day!
It ran for several dates in Oct/08 and cost $2.50/person....!!
It was a blast...each bus was full with several extras on the roof...
and several got scared and/or wet their pants....

Watch the video for footage of the upper floor of the rose/elephant...
from the 08 tour...
Very spooky....and...
We probably wont be allowed up there anytime soon!

We ll be visiting 2 of these 3 pubs...
(The hose und hound is now owned by a staunch catholic who would never in a 1000 years allow such blasphemy in his

We have 8 pubs lined up starting Sept 5 and taking us to just before halloween....
See pictures section for pix of said pubs....

We ll meet each Friday at one pub finishing with #8:
The E&C...
(The old rose as seen in the main pix)
to some...
is Calgary s only truly haunted pub...
more so than even the Deane Hse which no one talks about anymore...
Cuz it has been done to death....literally....
By every media outlet this side of deadman s curve.... and the rouge are covered every year by 27 different reporters and other amateurs....
They usually find nuthin and the owners are probly pretty tired of all the hype....

Watch the video!

We ll have a member of that sunday tarot group on hand each week to interpret the vibes....sounds... footprints...
and bathroom cleanlyness....

Everyone can order food...drink...
rosary beads...ouija boards...
(We have a video on this too)
Trump posters...
It will be an experience!

ifn you dare....dear reader...
join us for:
good food (maybe)
good drink (kinda)
good company (of course!)
good scare (possibly)
good fellas (that s a different movie!)

Sign up now!

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