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Startup Pitch Practice: Share Your Idea and Get Expert Feedback

Photo of Jonathan Greechan
Hosted By
Jonathan G.
Startup Pitch Practice: Share Your Idea and Get Expert Feedback


To launch a great startup, it is critical to get feedback on your ideas from entrepreneurs who have been there and done that. On this live online event, we will gather several startup experts ready to provide feedback for aspiring entrepreneurs. The event will start by providing guidelines to create a compelling elevator pitch, and then attendees will have the opportunity to share your pitch with other entrepreneurs, advisors, and investors at virtual tables for instant feedback. Even if you don't want to share your pitch, you can still join to hear other startup ideas and witness how the experts review a pitch.

❯ What You'll Learn:

  • How to give a concise, yet compelling, elevator pitch
  • What investors are looking for in a startup pitch
  • Specific advice and feedback on your pitch and startup ideas

To get the most out of this Pitch for Feedback event:

  • Come ready for live video networking
  • Prepare by starting with your one-sentence pitch. See how it's done using our Madlibs format.
  • Fill out our Elevator Pitch Worksheet.

To access all of the networking features of this event, please join using Chrome or Firefox from a desktop or tablet, or download the Airmeet Mobile App.

Moderator: It will be announced soon.

❯❯ This live, interactive online event promises valuable insights. Ensure your participation by RSVPing at to receive the Zoom URL.

Photo of Calgary Startup Founder 101 group
Calgary Startup Founder 101
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