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CalgaryR: Season Opener

Photo of Pablo Adames
Hosted By
Pablo A. and 2 others


Join us for the Season opener at CalgaryR. Are you curious about the language, are you a seasoned data modeller or statistician, or anything in between? This is an excuse to mingle with like-minded people, mentor someone who is just starting, or listen to a talk and share in some lively discussions.

There will be two talks, the first one is called "It's a feature, not a bug! Coercion, recycling and sub-setting". We will be digging deep to uncover some of R's superpowers and pillars of the core R syntax for expressive and powerful data manipulation and mathematics.

The second talk is "Data Science Proof of Concept Design: Applications in Oil and Gas". Dr. Muir will show the process for managing and executing data science-based Proof of Concept projects in Oil and Gas. This concentrates on the initial understanding of the problem and requirements from the client to develop the analytics, predictive modelling and forecasting. Once defined and architected, solutions pass over to the implementation team.
The impact of the following examples of projects is in the 10s of millions per year. These projects took from 3-8 weeks

  • Increased solvent recovery from oil sands tailings, 1st and 2nd stages
  • Steam heat allocation in oil sands extraction and processing plant
  • Soft sensor design to generate near real-time distillation curves (ASTM D86), octane rating, cloud point, etc., of crude and processed oil
  • Estimated Ultimate Recovery (EUR) of unconventional assets: analysis and optimization
Photo of CalgaryR group
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50 spots left