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What we’re about

The Heartiest of Welcomes to you from the Calgary's Pursuit Of Happiness Club.
Calgary's Pursuit Of Happiness Club has one objective in mind: To bring together people, singles and couples, of all ages (18+), races, backgrounds, religions,  genders and orientations with the purpose of doing the one thing we want most, pursuing happiness in whatever form that may take. Whether it be going bowling for the evening, hiking the incredible mountains in our own back yard, playing wallyball, (yes, that is a, dancing, clubbing, socializing, dining, music bingo, pool, rafting, kayaking, or paddleboarding.
The activities are as diverse as the country we live in. It's all about creating a fun. Calgary's Pursuit Of Happiness Club is not a group of strangers, just a group of friends we haven't met yet.
We are always open to new ideas for activities or events. We are so fortunate to live in a country and society where we have the opportunity to do so many interesting and diverse things that makes our lives all that much more fulfilling.
We are non-profit. All of our events do not include admin or meetup fees.  However, you are still responsible for (if necessary) purchasing event tickets, event entry/rental fees, facility cover charges, cost of food and drinks, etc. for the event itself. Organizers will post what the mandatory costs of the event are.
If you, you and your partner or you and your family are new to this great city, post a message on our board and let us know. If you have a question, let us know.
So join us. Say hi to your organizers as we all embark on the journey to Pursue  Happiness in all of it's many forms.

General group rules:

  1. You must provide a recognizable profile photo of yourself only. No one else should be in the picture, including friends, spouses, and especially minors. Your face should be clearly visible so event hosts can recognize you at their events (i.e. looking straight at the camera, with nothing covering your face). Far away shots with a small picture of your face, but a beautiful backdrop will not be accepted.
  2. You must do your best to attend the meetups you RSVP to. The event hosts work hard to organize these events with the group and the venue. If you do not show up to an event or cancel your RSVP with less than 24 hours notice, the event host may mark you as a no-show. If you accumulate 3 no-shows, you may be removed from the group.
  3. Do not crash events. If you show up to an event without RSVPing, because the event is full or otherwise, the host will not be happy, especially when reservations are required.
  4. This is not a dating group. Unsolicited or inappropriate messages to other members will not be tolerated. Offending members will be removed from the group immediately and banned from rejoining.
  5. Minors are not allowed at any events unless accompanied by their legal guardian. The guardian does not need to participate in the event, but needs to be present at all times. This is to ensure the minor's safety (for sporting events) and to ensure they are complying with their guardian's wishes.

The Organizing Team

Upcoming events (4+)

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