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What we’re about

Are you an experienced screenwriter itching to get your work produced? Ready to see your writing come to life? Interested in collaborating with filmmakers, actors, and crew to produce amazing short films? Join us as our production team searches for the next great script to produce! We are always on the lookout for amazing screenwriters, as our newly formed production company has several feature scripts that we want to be re-written and edited.

We are looking for screenwriters who are ready to see their work produced and who are serious about developing a career in film. Your script is your calling card. Join our Meetup group and attend our first meeting, where you will get the chance to enter into our screenwriting competition and pitch your film.

We do not want to create amateur material that will go nowhere. There is a need for good short films that can open doors to bigger opportunities. If your project is chosen, you will be invited to partake in the process of producing that film. You will receive credit as a writer, and if you choose to be part of the production in some way, credit will be assigned for every position you fill on the film.

Our goal: To create high-quality professional short films that we can be proud of and use to add to our portfolio, gain IMDB credit, and open doors to allow us to work as creative professionals. We plan to submit the short films we produce to festivals and other competitions.

The competition is $10 for each script you submit. 1st place will have their work produced, 2nd place will get $50.00, and 3rd place will get $30.00. All scripts that place will also have a chance to be produced at a later date should we choose. If there are more than 50 entries, we will open up 4th and 5th placing and adjust the rewards accordingly. Each entry will receive feedback and the reasons why they were not chosen.

The meetings take place in Irvine for the most part, but you can submit your work remotely. If you can’t make the Irvine meeting, send me an email at [email protected] and I will reply with specific instructions on how you can submit your script.

Have questions before the meeting? Just send us a message via Meetup. Looking forward to meeting all of you at the first meeting!