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Sing in a Choir with Camarata Music! Christmas With Camarata!

Photo of Ryan Goessl
Hosted By
Ryan G.
Sing in a Choir with Camarata Music! Christmas With Camarata!


**Sing in Choir! All are welcome!**

No experience needed!

Come and join the Camarata Music Chorale this autumn as we prepare Bach’s “Christmas Oratorio”, holiday music, and more! This year's autumn/winter concert will feature Bach’s “Christmas Oratorio” as Christmas with Camarata’s center stage music. This masterwork is a thing of true beauty, and one of the best pieces of music ever written by Bach! All together with the orchestra and choir, this will be a great performance and a wonderful experience for everyone! Rehearsals are every Sunday from 4:00 - 6:30/7pm.
Rehearsals begin September 22, 2024, and the concert will be in early December.

➤For the first rehearsal, all new members are asked to come at 3:30 PM and all returning members at 4:00 PM.
Register for the choir here:

➤첫번째 리허설에 새로운 회원들은 오후 3:30시까지 오시길 부탁드리며, 기존 회원들은 오후 4시까지 오시면 됩니다.합창단 등록은 다음에서 하세요:

Marian Hall at the International Catholic Church in Hannam-dong
90 Hannam-daero, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, South Korea

서울국제성당, 서울 용산구 한남대로90 마리아홀

➤Sing and make music with people from all over the world! Connect with like-minded people, encounter and learn from different cultures, and have the chance to perform alongside new friends! Camarata Music provides a welcoming environment where EVERYONE, expats and Koreans, can have the opportunity to sing, perform, learn, and build repertoire, and for the public to enjoy classical music and experience the collaboration of a multicultural, multinational ensemble. You can join whenever, NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! All are welcome, from the shower-singer to the professional. Come sing, have fun, make friends, and take part in something unique!

➤세계 여러나라에서 온 친구들과 함께 노래하고 음악을 만들어 보세요! 비슷한 생각을 사람들과 교류하고, 다른 문화와 만나고 배우며 새로운 친구들과 나란히 연주할 기회를 만들어 보아요.카마라타 뮤직은 외국인이나 한국인 모두가 함께 노래하고 연주하고 배우며, 레파토리를 만들어 갈 기회를 제공하고 또한 대중이 클래식 음악을 즐기고 다문화,다국가적으로 함께 모여 만들어 내는 앙상블을 경험할 수 있는 우호적인 환경을 제공합니다. 합창 경험은 전혀 필요없습니다. 샤워하면서 노래하는 초보자로부터 전공자까지 누구라도 환영합니다. 오셔서 노래하고 즐기며 친구를 만들고 특별한 경험에 참여해 보세요.

Bach “Christmas Oratorio”, holiday music, and more!

Newcomers will first register, then our conductor, Dr. Ryan Goessl, will listen to you and place you accordingly in the choir (soprano, alto, tenor, bass). Newcomers are asked to please arrive at 3pm! Rehearsal is from 4:00-7PM, with breaks in-between. After rehearsal, we sometimes go out for dinner. We’d love for you to join us!

➤기대되는것들:새로 오시는 분들은 먼저 등록하시고, 다음에 지휘자인 라이언 게슬을 만날 것입니다. 그는 여러분의 소리를 듣고, 합창단의 어느 파트에서 부를 지를 정해줍니다. (소프라노,알토,테너,베이스). 새로 오시는 분은 3시까지 오시기를 부탁드립니다. 리허설은 오후 3시30분부터 7시까지이며 중간에 휴식 시간이 있습니다. 리허설 후에 가끔 저녁 식사를 함께 하기도 합니다. 여러분 모두 함께 참여해주시면 좋겠습니다.

* A water bottle
* Pencil

* 마실 물

Please send an email to [email protected] to let us know you’re coming, or if you have any questions!

리허설에 참여하실 분이나, 질문이 있으시면 [email protected] 으로 이메일을 보내주세요!

We look forward to seeing you soon!
여러분을 곧 만나뵙기를 기대합니다!

From Hangangjin Station (line 5), take exit 2 and turn to the right onto the main hannam-dong road (hannam-daero) about 50 meters after you exit out of the subway exit, and walk straight. Walk straight for a couple minutes, and cross the pedestrian bridge (the second bridge). Keep walking in the same direction on the other side of the street, and the International Catholic Church will be on your left, right after Ilshin Building (landrover, italian embassy). If you got to the SK gas station, you went too far. Go up the entrance to Marian Hall. To register/RSVP, or to get more information, please email [email protected]!

Also, please register here:또한, 다음 폼에서 등록하실 수도 있습니다:

Photo of Camarata Music: Seoul Fine Arts Aficionados group
Camarata Music: Seoul Fine Arts Aficionados
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Every week on Sunday until March 20, 2025

90 Hannam-daero · Yongsan-gu
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